How construction risk policy responds in the current pandemic
Webinar on How the Construction Risk Policy Responds in the Current Pandemic Environment”
OESAI is delighted to bring you this Webinar, in response to the many questions from Insurance/ Reinsurance and Brokers in the market who have many concerns about the Impact of the COVID19 on Policies.
The course is targeted at CEOs, Executives, Managers and staff in Insurance, Reinsurance, Brokering, Risk management companies who have good understanding of Engineering and Construction Insurance, Business Interruption and Property Insurance and Reinsurance
CAR policy format
Selected Clauses and Endorsements
Pandemic and lock-down issues
Typical procedure Contractors should enforce when work resumes.
Q & A.
–Is the loss (claim) covered if occurred during the Covid-19/lock-down period?
–How is the proximate cause of a claim on site to be established if the policy already expired during the lock-down period?
–Is Design related loss covered in the Design and Build Contract? What are the implications if related to a Pandemic incident?
–What if the claim is reported AFTER the rectification is carried out during the post- lock-down period?
By the end of the program, participants will be able to:
–Identify the role and expectation of an Insurer coupled with better technical subject knowledge in relation to the pandemic
–Compare and contrast the types of losses that can occur on site.
–Highlight the main policy condition and operative clause applicable to a few key policies and describe the typical claims handling process, as well as the role of the loss adjuster / forensic scientist/ consultant in dealing with claims, especially during this Pandemic period.
–Appreciate contractors’ constraints and the role of various stakeholders in the industry during this post lock-down period
–Understand the steps involved in application of the policy using case studies that will enhance the learning process – in relation to the pandemic issues.
2nd and 3rd July 2020 ( 2- hour sessions on each day)
9.00am in Lagos, 10.00am in South Africa, 11.00am in East Africa.
Dial-in details will be sent to you following registration.
USD150 for OESAI Members and USD 300 for non-Members for the full series
Payable to OESAI in advance. If you are unable to attend a particular webinar you may transfer your place to a nominated colleague and inform OESAI who this is.
TO REGISTER: Email us at
PAYMENT is by Electronic Funds Transfer to:
The Organisation of Eastern & Southern Africa Insurers (OESAI)
Wabera Street Branch, Code: 07000. Account no: 6573270017. Swift Code: CBAFKENX
Pooba Mahalingam – Is a Regional Risk Consultant based in Singapore serving the region. He has some three decades of practical experience in engineering, construction and risk/ insurance. Pooba has provided Expert Evidence in a few technical disputes.
His firm; Talent Asia Training & Consulting (TATC) provides risk management, training, consulting & advisory services. He has conducted face to face training in Singapore, Malaysia and in the Asean region. He has also undertaken sessions in Mauritius, Dubai, Sri Lanka, Maldives and in China.
He served as the President of the Insurance Law Association of Singapore (ILAS) for three terms. Pooba is the Author of a text book entitled, “Engineering Insurance” published by the MII.