The Organisation of Eastern and Southern Africa Insurers is a member-based insurance organisation that aims to promote the business and practice of insurance across Eastern and Southern Africa. The principal activity of the Organisation of Eastern and Southern Africa (OESAI) is to encourage and enhance co-operation in the field of insurance and reinsurance and their related activities among companies operating in the Eastern and Southern Africa Region.
The Organisation of Eastern and Southern Africa is on a growth track which is as a result of a rebranding and marketing initiative which has been taking place since 2013. Currently OESAI has one hundred and thirty-five active members and through marketing of the organisation in the region, OESAI is focusing on growing this membership which will be done by sensitizing the insurance practitioners in the region on the existence and roles played by OESAI.
OESAI is also concerned in retaining the already existing membership by ensuring that the OESAI offers its members quality and valuable services that will add value to their business activities. We believe that we are on the right path to create an invaluable organisation that will play a leading role in the insurance industry in the region.